Kelley's Journal

Poonam’s Indian Recipes

Poonam’s Indian Recipes

After the Spirit Guided Journeys trip last November I promised to post the recipe for the chicken mince dish that Poonam Illuri of Gaia Bangalore taught us to make. The problem is, I forgot to take a picture of the dish last fall. But, during my March visit Poonam...

Temples near Mysore

Come along with me next fall and you will have the opportunity to visit some majestic temples on our travels. We'll also take time for a stop at the Kaveri River where she meets with two other rivers in a powerful yet peaceful merging of goddess energy. The Sri...

Why south India

It is vast, the country of India. So many places to see, things to do, people to meet, that planning a trip there may seem daunting - but it doesn’t have to be if you join me in October for a journey to southern India. For four years Bangalore, in southern India, was...

My Real Work

When we are at a crossroads and life seems to be a challenge but for some reason we know that we have to go on, our real work has found us and we have found it. It is there, staring us in the face, shining like a beacon, daring us to walk right in and take the big chances. I know that my work is here, now, in this glorious, awful, luscious, heart-breaking place of not knowing.

Celebrate the New Year

"A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every moment." From Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Celebrating Silence. Today is January 3, 2015. Three days into the new year. The celebrations are seemingly over....

The Coconut Cutter

The coconut cutter came to our villa in India. We watched as he scrambled up the tall tree, eventually reaching the leafy branches where the ripe coconuts waited. He smiled down at us from that great height, yelled something down which may have been the Kannada version of “timber” and began to cut the ripe coconuts.

A Day of Ayurveda in India

On October 29, the Spirit Guided Journeys group traveled the short distance from our hotel to AyurvedaGram, but it was as if we'd been transported to Kerala for the day.     AyurvedaGram is an Ayurvedic wellness retreat on the outskirts of Bangalore, India. Each...

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