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The Beach at Quiet Healing Center, Auroville

On November 3, 2014, the Spirit Guided Journeys (SGJ) group will travel to Pondicherry, India to stay for three nights at Quiet Healing Center. Pondicherry, or Pondy, is situated next to the Bay of Bengal, 160 Kilometers south of Chennai. Pondicherry, a former French colony, has a flavor all of its own, an intriguing mix of French ambiance and South Indian hospitality, which makes it a true joy to visit. Pondy is home to the ashram of Sri Aurbindo and the universal community of Auroville, a few kilometers out-of-town. Pondy also boasts 32 kilometers of beach, fine for strolling or taking dip. And there are numerous restaurants offering excellent cuisine as well as several boutiques featuring jewelry and clothing made by the artisans of the area.

Our group will be meeting up with Nilima Bhat when we arrive in Pondicherry. Nilima is a Pondicherry expert and a student as well as teacher of the philosophy of Sir Aurbindo and The Mother. Not only will Nilima be acting as an unofficial tour guide for our group while we are in the area, she will also be facilitating a two-day workshop. I’ve included more information about Nilima and her workshop and I am very happy that she is going to be a part of our journey.

The Spirit Guided Journeys trip leaves on October 24. If you are interested in joining our journey, be in touch soon before time runs out at And stay tuned for information about the next trip, a Journey of Spiritual Creativity, happening in February, 2015.

nilima bhat photo for website


  Nilima Bhat is a yoga & meditation teacher-therapist, dancer and holistic health coach. As a facilitator of personal transformation and conscious evolution, she works with both  individuals as well as organisations. She is a sought after speaker on Integral Yoga, Women’s empowerment, Indian wisdom and culture and also stress and wellness.

   Nilima will be leading us in an overview of Integral Yoga as taught by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother including a Cellular Healing Meditation. An overview of a portion of the workshop follows.

I AM Yoga of the Cells© is a synthesis of tools and techniques from many proven wisdom-wellness paths, both Eastern and Western, such as Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Chinese Medicine, Transpersonal Psychology and the I AM Teachings, centered around the principles and practice of the Integral Yoga of Mother Sri Aurobindo.

The central aim of the practice is to bring an immutable Peace into every cell of our body in order to return it to perfect health. We do so by entering into a conscious and constant contact with our all-powerful Soul-Spirit-Higher Self which is the only true Source of this Peace that heals.

As we heal at a cellular level, releasing negative/illness-based cellular memory and replace it with positive/wellness-based energy patterns, not only are we physically returned to health, our emotional nature balances, the mind sharpens and we experience a greater capacity for Love, Peace, Joy and Purpose in our life.

The routine involves a good mix of physical stretches/loosening of joints (pavanmuktasanas), breathing exercises (pranayam), mental formations (visualisation), wilful intention (sankalp), chanting meditation (mantra-japa) and meditative geometry (yantra).

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